Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Love List Numero Uno

So on Studio 5 ( the show I intern at) we have this little thing called love lists. Every month or so we come out with a list of things we love- obvious right? Here is my love list right now. I know this is useless info but sleep sounds so boring....

1. Parker Daniels. I just love him. He's basically amazing in every way. He is always prepared, always cheesy and always makes me happy.

2. Hadley Faith Brown. My Niece is 3.5 as of yesterday and could easily be a personified angel. Freak she is cute!!

3. Tropical Snow- their snowcones use the fine fine ice that melts on your tongue. Delicious!!

4. Shake It- the song by Metro Station

5. King Benjamin from the BOM. Talk about one studly example of a great leader. We can thank him for the reminder of "When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God."

6. Self check-out at the library. I go to the library like once a week. If anyone needs some good books I have a list.

7. My Oreo Bundt Cake recipe. Could give the Costco chocolate cake a run for its money. I will bake it for you if you want.

8. Dinner Group: My friends are just a joy to be around, even if they all sold out on me and married before 21..... but really. Those are my favorite nights.

9. Ben Blaker originals. I can't help it, I love his songs, the fact that a majority of them had something to do with me is besides the point.... but a nice detail. Pretty sure "You're beautiful, so beautiful...." is always in my head.

10. Aaron Echart. If you have seen Batman, No Reservations or Meet Bill, he is the studly blonde in all of those films. He stole Gotham's heart and mine.

11. The Dark Knight. Totally creepy, totally amazing. RIP Heath. I hope you get a lot of awards even if you are dead. "Why So Serious?" Despite the fact that Christian Bale seems to have gone through double puberty in this film, still loved it. Still think we should all stick it for Heath.

12. Jon Dalton cuz I got to see him last week!! FACE FOREVER!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love love LOVE your love list! I am going to steal the idea! you are wonderful!