Tuesday, November 13, 2007


It has been too long! Well, in my absence I have been at Arizona State Universtiy attending a conference called IACURH. IACURH is a really long acronym for Intermountain Affiliate of College and Universtiy Residence Halls. In short, it is a conference for residents and employees of on-campus housing. They make a conference for that?! Why?!

As off the wall and entirely stupid as it sounds, these conferences bring people together with a common interest, where they live, and help them to develop leadership skills, programming ideas and all in all to have the best time of their lives.

Any school from Idaho to New Mexico can come to our conferences. Each school sending between 3 and 20 students. I used to come as a representivie for the Aggies, but last year I was elected to serve on the regional board of directors. I now oversee some amazing students, and even better, sit on a board with 9 of the most amazing people I have ever known.

We spend 5 days trying to make living on campus a fun, educational and most of all memorable expereince. We cheer loud, we dress the drag queens, pirates, army dudes, whatever we want, make new friends across the US, win awards for RA of the years etc. and we never ever sleep!

Check out the IACURH site for more details on our happenings!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elvhpOBpNOk and cehck out our regional roll call from this past week... on youtube too... Im the far right... its a bad dance!

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