Friday, March 2, 2012

Insomnia... Somtimes

I have a favorite blog (besides me own, Obvi) that I like to read. I stole this "Sometimes..." Prompt from thanks Sam!

see her cool life here:

When I can't sleep, I talk about myself, with myself, to myself, I am that fantastically egocentric. To Insomnia!


I watch guilty pleasures like
"You've Got Mail" even though I have seen it enough times that I can not only tell you every single line, I can also tell you what song is next and exactly what Gap and/or Eddie Bauer outfit Meg will be wearing in the next scene...pathetic. And not stopping. EVER.

I'm glad it's cold outside because I can wear my teal long johns under my pants. Doesn't matter that no one else can see them. I know they are there, and they are AWESOME!

I wish I could just pay someone good money to dress my like my "Style I Wish I Had" board on Pinterest. Then I might finally look as adorable/ witty/ eccentric/ smart/Adorbs as I mentally feel inside my head.

I love discovering unexpected movie gems like Charles Nelson Riley's A Troll In Central Park. "Its like looking into the face of God and having him say, You are my my most wondrous creation."

See the SNL skit if you have no idea what I am referencing. (I will post the link soon)

For real though, my favorite, didn't expect that to be so awesome film award goes to....a tie between Road to El Dorado and Treasure Planet. Best under-appreciated cartoons for sure.

I feel like a 5 year-old when I order a chicken nuggets kids meal with Dr. Pepper and Honey Mustard sauce every single time I go to Wendy's. I started doing that in high school and have yet to order anything else...I can't break away from the perfect meal size, the fact that you get a frosty AND a drink, and the honey mustard is like crack...that good. I remember when it used to cost me $3 even... now its almost 4's not like honey mustard and fake chicken are in short supply... just sayin.

I feel like it's one of the world's great injustices when realize that I left my only partially finished V8 fusion beverage in my car. Instead I am 15 minutes into the world's worst lecture and I could be drinking the rest of my breakfast. But I can't, its 1,000 yards away, mocking me.

I write a blog post and realize that my biggest frustrations revolve around beverages and stories that happened when I was 17....

I feel inspired to be a better person when re-read my blog and realize how badly I need better material for my "Fans" to read. I also feel inspired by my boss Janzell, who suggested that I give up self-criticism for Lent. Clearly, a weakness. To help me, Janzell keeps a bell on her desk which is conveniently located next to mine. When I say something critical about myself she then proceeds to ring the bell. Either I am going to be loving myself in no time, or I am going to be salivating. Here's to you, Pavlov!

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