Thursday, February 9, 2012

Somthing that never fails to make you HaPpY

Happiness is a fascinating concept to me. In the last 2 years of my life it has also been the most complicated of emotions. In my earlier years I believe I may have been the happiest person in the world...not a cloud in my robin-egg sky. And then I got old, I got frustrated and I believe I had my first few teaspoons of sorrow. Theses moments were gifts, however trying moments spent in the Gethsemane's of my life. I see and feel sadness more regularly than ever before, but I am thankful for the many, (not one or a few) things that never cease to remind of the good in even the darkest moments of life.

A few recent and not-so-recent JOYS

- Remembering the first moment I saw Simi, the missionary I trained on my mission. When God's will for you and your own agenda are on the same page, miracles happen. Simi is my miracle. My soul recognized my dear friend and my soul will never, ever forget how it felt to hold her in my arms. My angel.

- A weekend I had with the Posse of Love (see previous blogs for their story). One summer my 4 favorite boys came to town and shared their lives with me. Distance does something powerful to my heart, and embracing my long-lost boys is heavenly. I can't drive past a Jason's Deli without my heart wishing Ry would materialize out of the walls and hold me.

- Allie-Bug (she is my niece, age 2.5) running, talking, laughing, smiling, scolding, praying (in which she names every member of the family and the 3 pets and says ahmen), hugging and just being. She is a ball of stubborn, petit cuteness that I cant get enough of. I love nothing more then coming home to my girls and just hugging them, brushing teeth with them and telling them how much I love them.

- A good conversation. I have always loved a good chat, but this is the first time in my life that I have really physically craved a valuable talking partner. I love to talk to a good friend, or a stranger who captivates me because they are fascinating or faithful, perhaps they are eccentric or simply curious to know what makes my heart thrive. I love a genuinely interested person. I hope I am someone like that.

- The Aim and Ignite album by Fun. there is something about this band that just puts me in a good mood. This is my default pick-me-up album, every single time.

- Slurpees. Seriously. What would I do without them? I wouldn't, that's what.

- A full gas tank. I'm not joking. Even if I just filled my tank up 2 days ago and am frustrated at the price of gas, seeing my tank on that lovely I feel like I could go anywhere, do anything even for just that moment. Full tank = endless opportunity!

- You've Got Mail. Meg. Tom. Nora Ephron dialouge. Cardigans. Books. Fall. ARE YOU ONLINE? Best 90 minutes of my life. This time. Every Time.

I could go on and on but I need to be up in about 7 hours, and I am old, like I said. I sleep 8 hours and I don't care who knows it. Add some of your JOY to my list. I'd love it.


eden said...

i don't know that i ever realized you had a blog. now i do, and you're on my reader. (:

that's one of my joys. (:

other joys -

- traveling (in DC right now and *loving* it)

- dogs (animals in general, but dogs are my favorite - and i'm missing mine right now {the one bad thing about traveling})

- friends (staying with one for a couple of days that i haven't seen in a few years, but it's great that we're still friends. and meeting up with a couple of others while i'm here whom i also haven't seen for a few years)

- walking (i've done a lot of walking here already, and i love it all. even when i get tired.)

- running {okay, jogging really} (i'm amazed that my body doesn't break when i push it to do long training runs)

- and other things, but this comment is long enough for now. (:

Maggie said...

"We will do it today. We will do it on the way home" - of course referring to the multiple times I almost peed on Bahn gleises.

That feeling when you feel like you're going in the right directions despite the challenges.

FREE T-Shirts

Doing something new.

Making something that I can use and remember the good times when I made them - along with that...

Being creative

Learning new things

Reading a good book

Praying in German (knowing full well that most Germans don't understand me, but that God always will)

Making someone happy!

Maggie said...

"We will do it today. We will do it on the way home" - of course referring to the multiple times I almost peed on Bahn gleises.

That feeling when you feel like you're going in the right directions despite the challenges.

FREE T-Shirts

Doing something new.

Making something that I can use and remember the good times when I made them - along with that...

Being creative

Learning new things

Reading a good book

Praying in German (knowing full well that most Germans don't understand me, but that God always will)

Making someone happy!

chelsey kimberly said...

-mac & cheese... with hotdogs?!?

-eurekas castle

-laughing hysterically for no apparent reason